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Store lists where you can find Sodateru Towel products!

1 Maruichi Select

Maruichi Select is a store that offers an extensive selection of Japanese products. It is located in Brookline, MA. You can find our feel towel line, yellow ribbon towel line and baby towel line here.

マサチューセッツ州ブルックラインにあるマルイチセレクトは、日本の厳選品を暑かったセレクトショップです。育てるタオルのフィール シリーズイエローリボンシリーズベビー用タオルのシリーズが常設されています

Location: 299 Harvard Street, Brookline, MA 02138


GrayMist is a gift shop and a Nantucket basket weaving studio located in Cambridge, MA. You can find our MARQUE towel line and baby towel line here.


Location: 364 Huron Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138


2 GrayMist

Maruichi Select.jpg

We are excited to announce that
you can now find our Sodateru Towel products
at Maruichi Select in Brookline, MA!

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